
2017年4月17日- 21日

索伯里学校几十年的传统, 艺术 Festival Week offers 所有的学生 and 工作人员 the opportunity to fully immerse themselves in the visual and performing arts.


这一周以一场比赛拉开了序幕 实地考察 晨星工作室. Prior to 艺术 Festival Week, music teacher Cathy Block 为学生举行海选 赢得记录的机会 晨星 与格莱美获奖工程师格伦·巴雷特合作. Other music students joined the group to observe and get an understanding of how modern recording works. “这是最酷的事情,”盖比P. 在他完成录音之后. "I wrote this song in my basement just a few weeks ago.”

Glenn and Cathy gave students advice throughout the day. “如果你还想在录音室录音的话, you'll want to let that last note ring as long as you can,格伦告诉盖比.

当阿什顿F. 17岁的杰克·L. '17开始播放他们的歌曲, “松树,格伦在录音棚里评论道, "Apple will snap that up for their next iPhone release commercial."

Click on the song titles below to listen to the recordings!

就在昨天吗? 作者:Gabe P. ”19日,以...

  • 加布(人声)
  • 纳什(键盘)
  • 克里斯·奥布莱恩(贝斯)
  • 杰克(鼓)
“松树” 作者:阿什顿和杰克

  • 阿什顿(人声和尤克里里)
  • 杰克(人声和四弦手鼓)

“霓虹灯” 约翰·梅尔(John Mayer)主演...

  • 纳什(人声)
  • 艾利(吉他)
  • 布莱恩(低音)
  • 约翰(鼓)

周一回学校参观 陶瓷艺术家格洛丽亚Kosco taught a Glazing with Ceramics class for an upcoming salt fire.

格洛丽亚, 前索莱伯里学校陶艺老师, also taught a pottery demonstration later in the week, where she showed students her favorite techniques for working with clay. After the demo, she let students get their hands dirty and try it out for themselves.

C商业和编辑摄影师 史蒂夫·博伊尔他的客户范围从 ESPN杂志我到佳得乐去 《韦德娱乐app下载地址》 杂志,举办了摄影工作坊.

Steve showed us samples of his work and described how he "got the shot" for each. He also shared his personal concept projects; his "powder sports" and his "leave your sole" shoots were amazingly intricate, 耗费时间, 实验性和发人深省.


On 周二, a group of student musicians spoke to 作曲家 Siddartha斯拉 在他洛杉矶的工作室通过谷歌Hangout. Sidd scores the music for hit television shows like 这就是我们, 皇室成员, an upcoming new Marvel production for Hulu, and more. 席德分享了他是如何在好莱坞起步的, 在他的工作室里,典型的一天是什么样的啊, 也是他找到灵感的地方.

He also described how he stepped out of his comfort zone to 写一首摩城的歌 让人揪心的"孟菲斯"一集 这就是我们.

Sidd has visited 韦德娱乐app下载地址 before with his band Goldspot.

周二晚上,韦德娱乐app下载地址学校举办了 与之讨论和签售 畅销书作家史蒂文·罗利他写道: 莉莉和章鱼. This free event was open to the public; Farley's Bookshop had copies of the book on hand for the signing.

Earlier in the day, Steven visited one of our 英语 classes. He read a pass年龄 from his book and shared that he was inspired to write 莉莉 当他的狗(现实生活中的莉莉)去世时, yet he wasn't able to find any relatable books on the subject. "If you there's a gap in the market for something you wish existed, 然后写这本书,他告诉我们的学生. The 80-minute class flew as students asked dozens of questions about his life and career as a writer.




议院杰克, 一个获奖的无伴奏合唱团, 在集会上为我们的学生表演, taking requests from the crowd and wowing us with their incredible singing and beat-boxing. 下面是他们技能的一个例子:


我们的 大师歌手和爵士根音乐会 星期三给我们带来了更多的音乐, as well as the final performances for seniors Fiona, 杰克, 克里斯托, 坎西和迈克尔.













周四 brought another visit from 格洛丽亚Kosco, and time for various arts and crafts...






On Friday, each student participated in a workshop of their choosing. 他们有20多个选择:




  • 3个学生授课工作坊
  • 5个校友主持工作坊
  • 10位来访艺术家教授工作坊